Clear Emotional Pain & Trauma

“After my first SEM session with Joaquin,  I felt very calm, peaceful and centered. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt that way. Joaquin has away of connecting, he listens, and takes you to the core of the issue. Thank you!”

Lori E.

“I went to Joaquin for guidance on how to heal my body from the migraine headaches I have had since I was a child. After two sessions – the migraines are now manageable, I now go long periods without any head pain. My spirit was awakened which brought forth happiness and sustaining joy.  The Somatic EM work Joaquin performs is powerful. Thank you Joaquin for sharing your beautiful healing gifts.”

Terr T.

Health Chef

“I have personally experienced profound healing through private SEM sessions with Joaquin, so much so that I have referred several other friends and family members to see him for guidance on their their healing journey. He is a true healing artist and I refer his work in the highest regard.”

Lee G.

Entrepreneur, My Wings

Discover the Self-Healing Journey Through Sound: Why Vibrational Therapy Works

Music is not just an art form; it's a vibrational therapy pulsating with life itself. Imagine each beat, each melody playing in sync with the rhythms of our own systems—this is the magic of music and sound vibration. When we intentionally listen to music, especially...

The Power of Connection: Nurturing the Human Experience

In the vast tapestry of human existence, each of us holds the potential for both kindness and cruelty. We are beautiful mysteries, yearning to be seen and heard, yet often requiring time and space to find our center and grow. Love, the very essence of our souls,...