A Holistic Approach Is The Way

After 24 years of being committed to a lifestyle of studying and practicing natural medicine and holistic healing, the term “energy medicine” can be seen in everything. Gratefully, we have local experts at Sierra Acupuncture & Healing Arts to guide you on your personal empowered journey of health and natural healing, and I am beyond thrilled to join their team of experts. 

My journey began with the holistic arts in 1999 in San Anselmo, CA., when a wise woman asked If I wanted to learn and experience acupuncture with Dr. Yen Wei Choong at the Yellow Emperor Healing Center. Dr. Choong was starting his morning Qi Gong routine in front of his healing center and he enthusiastically invited me to practice with him. This was my first experience of medicine as energy. I felt light yet grounded, clear headed, energized and expansive. Next came the acupuncture session….!

My mind was blown and never I looked back!!


5 Tangible Reasons Why Energy Medicine Is The Future


When You Lean Into Natural Health and Healing….

it starts to lean into you – opening up your senses and showing you that there is more to health and healing than pharmaceuticals. Things can begin to click, connect and fall into place. Learning ways to better your health naturally, becomes a lifestyle journey of self healing and knowledge. The journey becomes spiritual, as you learn about your inherent divinity. 

Bringing Somatic Therapy & Energy Medicine To Sierra Acupuncture & Healing Arts

I am an author, musician and healing artist who resides in the eastern Sierra. With 24 years in Holistic Medicine, I have facilitated countless healing sessions with my unique synthesis of self care, somatic experiencing, energy medicine, bodywork and lifestyle counsel in what I coin, The Human Touch.

My intentional and interpersonal approach to healing helps people move through physical and emotional pain. Each session helps one improve their mental and emotional outlook, focus, and offers an overall sense inner peace and safety in their body.

With a holistic-vitalist approach to each session, my style of energy healing is dynamic, utilizing diet and lifestyle counsel, shiatsu/polarity bodywork, energy medicine, sound healing and somatic therapy. I help my clients integrate Mind, Body, Spirit, and Divine intelligence to help achieve peak performance, inner peace and happiness to get you to a higher rhythm and state of self sustaining vitality.

What do people come to see me for?

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Feeling ungrounded (focus)
  • Low back pain
  • Migraines
  • Mental/emotional imbalance
  • Reframe/Heal trauma
  • Create a safe space for closure
  • Heal childhood wounds

For more information visit JoaquinRoland.com and to schedule an appointment with Joaquin please go to SierraAcupunctureArts.com