There is no education like meditation. I was 18 years old I saw my uncle divining the I Ching, I asked him what was it all about. He said, “whenever I’m at a crossroads and I need an answer I consult the I Ching. I’ll show you how after I’m finished.” I took my turn and my answer was Meditation. Meditation was a word that I had never read before this….There are no mistakes or coincidences…..and so I followed my intuition.

The journey began

Immediately I went to my local Barns & Nobles in Daly City, CA…..I went to the meditation section and I found this book by Ayya Khema, being nobody going nowhere

Meditations on the Buddhist Path.

This book is for anyone who wishes to find their personal meditative roots.

Needing a change in heart and mind, at a young impressionable timein my life, I found the right book for me. Being Nobody 



I found that everything in my life came more in focus. All the ways that I lived shallow and suddenly fell away in exchange for poetic depth. I started to feel inspired on the power and simplicity of the action on in action. Of dropping everything my ego held up.

I knew I was different, but meditation really showed me who I was and who I was destined to become.

The video below is my first of many takes on the path of educating hearts and souls who believe in a holistic way of living.


Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. I look forward to seeing where this follows!!!