The Novice Healing Artist Blog:

Inspiring & informing the budding healing artist.

Discover the Self-Healing Journey Through Sound: Why Vibrational Therapy Works

Music is not just an art form; it's a vibrational therapy pulsating with life itself. Imagine each beat, each melody playing in sync with the rhythms of our own systems—this is the magic of music and sound vibration. When we intentionally listen to music, especially...

The Power of Connection: Nurturing the Human Experience

In the vast tapestry of human existence, each of us holds the potential for both kindness and cruelty. We are beautiful mysteries, yearning to be seen and heard, yet often requiring time and space to find our center and grow. Love, the very essence of our souls,...

Unlock The Full Potential Of Your Life, Right Here And Right Now

[ba_info_box title="Your title goes here..." body_content="We wield the power to rejuvenate and heal our bodies and minds through accessible means like diet and lifestyle. Transformation may seem distant, but it is consistently within your grasp. Each moment offers a...

The Secret Symbol Of Medical Science And Ancient Wisdom – How We Got Here Now

 The practice of preventative lifestyle medicine deserves more attention, thought, and discourse in present-day society. Holistic medicine strives to educate about the intimate relationship between the rhythms of the outer world, the natural world, and the rhythms...

Novice Healing Artists: The Future Is Right Now

.Novice healing artists, each day we are seeing a little more clearly, and many of us are realizing what our ancestors always have known.... That we are our best healthcare option, especially when it comes to our individual health and happiness. The planet is in dire...

When Near Death Becomes – New Life: Me At Nine

   When I was nine, I had a near-death drowning experience while boogie boarding in Mazatlán, Mexico my "home away from home". I was on my annual Summer trip visiting my grandparents, Victor & Mary.  I remember this day so  distinctly, It was a sunny hot humid day...

How To Use Sound Vibration Inside & Out

“To change the deepest subconscious inside and outside of oneself, a seed is needed. That seed or “bij” has three main functions: it focuses the mind, acts like a fulcrum over which thoughts can be leveraged up to the infinite, and acts as a template of the infinite...

5 Reasons Why The Future Of Medicine Is Energy

After 24 years of being committed to a lifestyle of studying and practicing natural medicine and holistic healing, the term "energy medicine" can be seen in everything. Gratefully, we have local experts at Sierra Acupuncture & Healing Arts to guide you on your...

How To Meditate On The Word, Simplicity

  There is no education like meditation. I was 18 years old I saw my uncle divining the I Ching, I asked him what was it all about. He said, "whenever I'm at a crossroads and I need an answer I consult the I Ching. I'll show you how after I'm finished." I took my...

I Know It’s Not Easy To Remember

Remembering takes effort! It’s a humbling thing to realize how much we actually forget and need to keep being reminded of it. Who has the time for trying to remember? It's like we are amnesiacs! Why is it so difficult to remember the things that could positively...