Looking back on when I was 19 years old, I realized that I could either keep breaking down physically or I could build myself up and set myself up for a brighter future. I was active in sports and was super hard on my body, there had to be another way, something more gentle and sustainable.

Self care became an obvious solution, through learning how to eat clean and right for me along with tuning in more to my inner world. This late-teen life crisis became a wake up call for me to answer, and it changed my life for the better in the process. 


Already in tune spiritually having a sound relationship with my ancestors, spirit and God. Following my intuition, I began meditating and from there positive lifestyle choices followed suit. I started to frequent the local health food store in SF, Rainbow Market. My choices began to clear up, I started to drink more water and I quit abusing and drinking alcohol.


I started to mature and grow up, I learned how to make veggie soup and from there all kinds of other nutritious dishes. Out of the box that I put myself in because everyone else around me was there. Breaking out of chains of mental slavery, I began to experience what my truth was.

My journey to being more healthy fit and strong lead to so much more fulfillment and growth than I would have ever imagined. By taking the initiative to eat, sleep and live better, it helped me to see what was possible for myself and for those around me.

But those around me were not ready for my truths. It was sad looking back on it all but I was treated with contempt by my family for breaking their norms. I maintained and did not let their fears get in the way of my feeling clear and strong.

This is why I champion self care, because there are thousands of young people like myself that know that there is a better way to live.

Trusting Your Intuition

We are conscious beings, we have an inner voice, and when we follow and lead from this place great transformation can occur. Maybe not over night but over time. I champion self care for the cause of a positive lifestyle. One that suits you best. One that resonates with your heart of hearts. I champion self care because it leads to well rounded, irrefutable growth.

Join me on this journey of holistic health, energy medicine and how knowledge of the healing arts can positively shape your life.