All Around - Sound Rocks Your World

To change the deepest subconscious inside and outside of oneself, a seed is needed. That seed or “bij” has three main functions: it focuses the mind, acts like a fulcrum over which thoughts can be leveraged up to the infinite, and acts as a template of the infinite to form a new imprint in the mind. The ideal seed is a mantra. Mantras pre-exist as the DNA of God. They are in each cell of creation. Their sound has focus and contains a provocative seed which provides a template for a higher experience.”

—Yogi Bhajan

Everything we experience is a vibration of tone, tenor, and frequency. Colors, shapes, textures, smells, and sensations all carry a signature vibration and imprint. Perhaps the reason we resonate so deeply with sound is that we were exposed to the sounds and vibrations inside of our mother’s womb since inception. Why does sound curry such sublime and divine favor?

To go deeper sound healing’s versatility allows us to be active and passive participants. On the passive side you can listen to calming and relaxing music playing outside of ourselves as you allow the meter, tone, intention and tenor help us relax and heal. In addition on the active side, we can intentionally work from inside out – sounding out certain vowel sounds, chant, hum or sing our favorite song or melody. Subsequently both are wonderful ways to get to deep relaxing peace and release.

Healing Inside & Out:

What Sound Baths – Do For You

  1. They Reduce Stress
  2. They Induce Healing – Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System
  3. They Improve Pain Management
  4. Improves Sleep
  5. Reduced Risk Of Strokes And Coronary Artery Disease

This massive universe is in a constant state movement, sound and vibration. When we feel healthy, we feel balanced and in harmony. There is a steady rhythm in breath and thought, and we find our inward and outward life evenly flowing.

Every organ and cell sympathetically resonates with with our environment inside and out. What if our cells listened to the vibration, tone and intention in our own voices? Are they listening all the time? It is a great mystery, but there have been experiments to prove such notions are possible, like cymatics.

Our minds have the ability to affect our state of being through the thoughts we think and words we utter to ourselves and unto others. In fact our nervous system acts as a middleman informing the entire system what is vibrationally taking place shaping our inner and outer world in real time. Therefore sound vibration as a vehicle to transfer information is an optimal choice to creatively use it to achieve  states of bliss, balance, release and calm.

My first sound healing session.

I was going through a rough patch inside and out. I thought things needed to be certain ways and they just weren’t going in that way….In fact I desperately needed help releasing these stifling thoughts and feelings. Luckily my friend gave me a session and in that session, I relaxed so deeply, I lost myself and in that time I got the message that “there are many right ways”.

It was the message that I received that helped me to feel free again. Looking back, that one sound healing session changed the course of my life and it can do the same for you. You need time to try new ways to heal, expand, release, contract and find your way to feeling at peace in your skin.

Join me for a one on one session.

Why Mantras Amplify Health & Abundance

Healing Inside & Out:

  1. It Focuses The Mind
  2. It Springboards Thoughts And Emotions Up To The Infinite
  3. It Improves Creativity
  4. Moves Stuck And Stagnant Energy
  5. They Deliver Personal Transformational Results

Mantras are prayers, invoke personal and sacred meaning that span cultural and religious ideologies. However mantras can also be personal affirmations that are specific in what you are personally working toward. The inward utility, power and purpose of mantras are to focus the mind and manifest the meaning of the message.

If your mantra happens to be a traditional Sanskrit prayer, practice with an open heart and mind and please do not be discouraged by “narrow” takes on cultural appropriation, pronunciation, and other excuses that may come with truly trying. Authenticity is authored in the heart.

What matters most is your level of intentional – sincerity.

When you commit to chanting a mantra, your breath, mind and body synchronize to the rhythm, cadence and repetition. In fact the results can be self empowering, energizing, calming, expansively healing and Self actualizing. Chanting mantras can help you remember that you are much more than this physical body. You are Spirit – that which is unchanging, unborn and never dying: immortal.

Your Mantra Will Find You:

Exploring mantras are personal, the act of wanting to take on the practice – is intuitive, intentional inside and out. I stumbled into it for in my first time experiencing it. For the first few minutes I wanted to run for the hills – it was foreign, it was weird and uncomfortable until I realized it’s “unitive” powers! You will have your own story, and I would LOVE – LOVE – LOVE to hear about YOUR experience with chanting mantras in the comments in the field down below.

The Gayatri mantra was the one that found me. Words cannot convey what the Gayatri means to me, it is part of my spiritual practice and I am so thankful I found it. I share these stories, because it can be the same for you as well. 

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Coming up:

 Gyongyi and myself are hosting a two hour workshop with mantra and sound bath meditation. Click this link for information and sign up.

Join us Oct. 30th in Truckee, CA @ Spirit Rebel Collective

Mantra Sound Healing with Gyongyi & Joaquin

We finish this post with Gyongyi @ facilitating a sound bath session.