Remembering takes effort! It’s a humbling thing to realize how much we actually forget and need to keep being reminded of it. Who has the time for trying to remember? It’s like we are amnesiacs! Why is it so difficult to remember the things that could positively impact the quality of our lives? For example – we catch this “lightning in a bottle” experience, it rocks our world for a few days and then……Again back to doing the same old thing. Back to forgetting, back to the habits that feel safe and ordinary.

What is this?

I’m asking because I want to remember the little cool things and the big good things have helped me along this journey. My main reason for diving into this thread of thought is that I want to maintain my connection with Spirit. The part of myself that I deem holy, pure, unborn and undying.…..In my opinion it is the finest connection that is most worthy of remembrance.

“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.”

-Bruce Lee

How do we remember the things that can serve our highest good?

How do we keep the connection? What will it take to remember when things get difficult and stressful and we need to remember the things that help get us back to feeling present and balanced?

Thankfully I have personal resources, habits and effective ways to help me remember and feel grounded and connected. Sufi Mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan once wrote in the Secret Teachings of the Gathas that “everything is won and lost with the breath. He speaks profoundly of the magnetism of the breath, when coupled with intention, mountains can be moved. I love the simplicity of this idea. All is gained by remembering to actually breathe.

Again and again it is our breath that brings us back to center, to this eternal present moment. This is the ongoing task and journey of the “life scientist” and the way of self care. 

Further more join me on this journey to recollect. We are more than the eye can see, we are vibrational, energetic conduits of potential. All of us are a divine mysteries ready to be set free by the truth of our selves. That Self, is connected, pure, and shines like a trillion Suns! It is my life’s mission and obligation to profess the ways holistic health and alternative therapy.

If you feel like we may be a good fit, click this link to set up a free phone or video discovery session. Come away with clarity on your life’s direction and intentions.