The practice of preventative lifestyle medicine deserves more attention, thought, and discourse in present-day society. Holistic medicine strives to educate about the intimate relationship between the rhythms of the outer world, the natural world, and the rhythms deep within us.  The way of lifestyle medicine is a personal journey. One that is sure to enrich anyones life.

Modern medicine built its empire on the backs of ancient medicine women and medicine men. They were traditionally known as healers, midwives, herbalists, and alchemists. They were our first philosophers, scientists, and healing artists.

The Caduceus

At some point in history, medicine adopted one of the most sacred symbols of the esoteric sciences: the caduceus (two serpents wrapped around a pole). The snake is a symbol of destruction as well as a symbol of “shedding” – regeneration, immortality and healing.

The caduceus represented Hermes and Mercury in Greek and Roman mythology and was the staff used by Asclepius (the “Rod of Asclepius”), the revered Greek god of healing.

The Ascelpius symbol was used by the Royal Army Medical Corp, the French Military Service, and other medical organizations. The U.S. Army Medical Corps, Public Health Service, and Marine Hospital took the caduceus as their insignia in 1902. 

With a symbol so steeped in meaning, knowledge, and symbolic power, it is interesting that you will find no mention of its origins in establishment descriptions. Perhaps because it may draw attention to the esoteric and energetic symbology that it represented? I see the caduceus as a symbol of ancient traditional philosophies merged with modern science – the two serpents, East and West, intertwined.

Dr. Randolph Stones – Triune Wireless Energy Philosophy

From a spiritual/energetic point of view, the caduceus represents ancient wisdom’s teachings and principles and speaks to the “Law of Three” (positive-negative-neutral) and its play on life force energy: in breath (positive) and out breath (negative) weaving around a central (neutral) pillar that represent the rod and staff – our spine. It’s the same symbol that represents the energy body’s subtle wireless functions.

As explained by Dr. Randolph Stone, osteopath, author, and creator of Polarity Therapy who brought “energy medicine” to West: 

“MAN KNOW THYSELF is the admonition contained in the symbolism of the Staff of Hermes. The wings of the caduceus represent the two hemispheres of the brain. The knob of the center represents the pineal gland. The two serpents represent the Mind Principle in its dual aspect.

The fiery breath of the Sun is the positive pole as the vital energy on the right side of the body and the cooling breath of the moon’s negative pole as the vital energy of the left side. The two currents cross over each other, change their polarity, and create the whirling nature of the spinning chakras.”

The caduceus embodies the teachings of hermetic alchemical knowledge connecting spirit (breath) with mind (sun) and body (moon). It is the symbol of energy medicine in the form of “life currents” flowing through our bodies.

The law of three (positive, neutral, and negative) are ever present in all life’s forms. This is the play of creation at its forefront. By understanding the triune aspects of life (positive/sun, neutral/life, negative/moon)  we ar able to know ourselves and relate with others on a deeper unseen level. When we know ourselves in this way, we will have the wisdom to understand and relate with others holistically.

Modern Medicine – Adopting Lifestyle Medicine

Modern medicine will continue to make advancements technologically. But it’s greatest strives are in adopting  a personable, integrated and sustainable approach for the longevity itself and its patients. It is easy to trust something that will not cause harm. Modern medicine has work to do in the way it can prescribe lifestyle practices, natural foods and remedies instead of harmful chemicals and compounds that deliver temporary relief but a lifetime of side-effects.

It is slowly beginning to happen, for example, stress management and reduction courses such as mindfulness exercises and meditation are now being introduced in schools and corporations all over the world. Massage therapy, energy medicine, sound healing and acupuncture are also making their way into mainstream practice because of their positive effects at reducing stress naturally. While at the same time limiting the need for pharmaceutical drugs.

Yoga studios and wellness centers are also teaching people how to play an active role in one’s own health. As the two worlds of modern medicine and ancient medicine continue to integrate, the people of the world will benefit even more.

In the next section we will cover “The Science of Life” – Ayurveda. Indias gift to lifestyle medicine, herbalism, philosophy and so much more.

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