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We wield the power to rejuvenate and heal our bodies and minds through accessible means like diet and lifestyle. Transformation may seem distant, but it is consistently within your grasp. Each moment offers a choice: to entertain thoughts that propel us into new possibilities or hinder our forward momentum.

Vigilance, presence, and an awareness of this power unlock intuition, inviting us to engage in the "ever new" joyous moments at hand. We have the ability to shape the life we desire, instantly improving our circumstances while navigating "life on life's terms" until the desired changes manifest.

Being part of this energetic play of consciousness underscores the importance of understanding how energy impacts our daily lives, contributing to our health and balance. Perspective plays a crucial role in perceiving our reality, recognizing our miraculous nature as creations. For instance, every 60 seconds, our bodies lose 300 million cells, replaced by 10–50 trillion cells daily. Embracing this constant regeneration with wonder is an exciting aspect of being alive.

Living in an age of accessibility to teachings from ancient arts and sciences, coupled with new holistic therapies and scientific discoveries, allows us to tap into the omniscience of the universe within us. Recognizing the inherent divine spark in ourselves and others serves as the gateway to self-actualization, education, mastery, and the mystery of existence.

Trusting and acting upon our guiding intuition can transform our world, unleashing beauty, balance, health, healing, and happiness. Regardless of technological advances, we must find ways to remember our inherent divinity, offering the same beautiful gift to all living things around us.

Our innate desire to connect, communicate, understand, and relate to each other underscores the importance of giving undivided presence. Trusting the wisdom within others on a cellular level instills confidence in their ability to make the best decisions. This form of suggestive therapy, as powerful as sound vibration, signifies the future of health and healing, liberated from the chains of mental medical slavery.

Our mindset is our medicine; our intention shapes our direction, and our Spirit is an unborn, unchanging, undying force. The great intelligence of Spirit conspires to help us live inspired, balanced lives, rich in abundance. Health and healing do not follow a straight line; rather, they meander and bend like rivers and streams. The future of health and healing involves the joy and spirit of initiative, experimentation, and education to make the best decisions.

In this book, we emphasize how presence is the key principle to manifesting healing. Being unattached to specific outcomes creates space for the spirit of presence to come to life in body, mind, and spirit. Learning to energetically ground yourself by tuning into somatic "felt sensations" serves as an effective anchor, stabilizing the mind in the present moment and keeping anxieties at bay.

Our bodies are always right here—they cannot be anywhere else. This awareness allows us to be fully awake to this eternal moment, filled with gratitude.

We revisit the idea of "being here now" because everything we seek is inside us, right now. The benefits of our efforts today will be reaped in the future when needed the most.

While this book guides others in healing, it emphasizes starting our own journey of self-healing, strengthening, and conditioning. You never know when you'll need to draw upon the skills and knowledge of self-care practices, therapeutic touch, and an understanding of energy medicine in difficult situations.

Realize that you are your greatest advocate, ally, therapist, and healer. Remember, you have the choice and power in your hands.

The knowledge in this book comes from ancient wisdom, not medical advice. It is intended to empower you to make educated decisions for a sustainable life journey in youth and aging, without detracting from seeking licensed counselors and therapists. More than ever we need empowered individuals who are grounded, compassionate, educated, responsible, balanced, and healthy enough to hold healing space for their loved ones in their communities.

Preparation is key for unforeseen events. When a traumatic situation arises, waiting for an appointment is not an option. We need aid now, especially in understanding how to slow down or ameliorate pain or trauma.

Like the old Chinese proverb says: "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

"The Human Touch" transforms individuals and empowers them to transform others. Tune into and give your inner resilience a chance to express its ability to self-correct and heal.

Finally, each of us may become caregivers at some point. There is no greater honor than "showing up" and spending quality time with loved ones in their time of need. I wish I had the skill set and knowledge when I was twenty years old caring for my grandfather. My hope is that my story, along with the ancient wisdom in this book, will give you the confidence to step up and take greater responsibility for your personal health and, in turn, the health of your loved ones in their time of need.