Origin Story: How This Whole Journey Started


 When I was nine, I had a near-death drowning experience while boogie boarding in Mazatlán, Mexico my “home away from home”. I was on my annual Summer trip visiting my grandparents, Victor & Mary.  I remember this day so  distinctly, It was a sunny hot humid day and I was in a fearless mood, not respecting the waves.

I saw a swell out in the distance like a massive hill – turning around ready to ride but the wave kept swelling and swelling.

Starting to second guess what I was doing, I realized I was “one” with the wave there was no turning back. All at once saying “fuck it”, I jumped back onto my board only to see the wave grabbing the front end of my cheap spongy board – I was catapulted straight down the face of this massive wave. Flipping in the air, I hit the water and then the wave finished me off. Getting rag dolled was pretty common for me at the beach in Mazatlan, but I realized this was not any normal wave, I was over powered by it’s massive momentum moving toward the shore.

I kept trying to bounce off of the bottom of the sea floor, only to be denied air, I was drowning. Losing consciousness, I saw images of my life reeling  and zipping as if on film as I tried to spring up off the ocean floor. Feeling weaker by the second and overwhelmed, I was about to give up when a voice said, “All right, Jaq. Last chance.” I tried one more time and finally caught a breath of air. I survived – I lived to tell this story. 

Stunned and staggering back to the shore, I realized that no one saw what I had endured. No one was coming to my rescue. Stunned, in shock and disbelief, no one seemed to be aware of what JUST happened! All I saw were people living shallow, more concerned with how they appeared then how they felt.

Drowning On Land

Later that night, I had a second near-death experience that again I endured by myself. I got up to go to the bathroom because I felt like throwing up and was soon on my knees on my grandparents’ cool marble floor, violently and silently vomiting. Trying in vain to call for my grandma, but no sound came out, and again a voice said to me that I needed to “exorcize” the death that I had experienced earlier. Then I understood that this painful experience was necessary if I were to live. 

When it was all over, my voice came back, I screamed and found myself in my grandparents arms. I felt lucky to have survived again this second ‘dry’ drowning. Rocked to my young core, I had a deeper respect for nature and started listening more closely to my heart and intuition. I started seeing the world in a more interconnected and “energetic” way.

I became more inquisitive about the inner world and workings of nature. I established an intuitive understanding of the way in which things play out in nature. From then on I expressed myself with more joy and gratitude than ever before. My leadership and fearlessness in the face of failure took center stage, I stared to realize the deeper meaning of the moment.

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