Why This Is The Greatest Opportunity - Right Now?

.Novice healing artists, each day we are seeing a little more clearly, and many of us are realizing what our ancestors always have known…. That we are our best healthcare option, especially when it comes to our individual health and happiness. The planet is in dire need of healing, and more healers and helpers will be needed to help shore up and stabilize Mother Earth and all of her children. I believe in the wisdom and intelligence in each one of you to thrive and heal.

The Human Touch is one of many amazing opportunities to gain access to energetic knowledge that has been passed down through the ages. The ancient wisdom in this book has been practiced and proven to be naturally efficient and effective by medicine men and women for well over 5,000 years. The human touch is intended, in part, to be window into the past, bringing this indispensable knowledge into the future.  From novice, to master healing artist, we are the ones we have been waiting for.

Undoubtably, The Human Touch is a call to action of the next generation of peaceful warriors, healers, poets, prophets,  leaders, seers and magic makers. We are energetic beings able to communicate on multiple planes of existence. Our dreams,  intuition, epiphanies, messages, and guidance from the spirit world are always there to direct us. 

Immunity & Vitality: Paramount

Coming out of a global pandemic, we now realize that our immune system’s vitality is paramount. Self care exercises that will raise your inner chi as well as learning the basics of hands on energy healing, can be an ally in our ever changing world. We are all being called to take charge of our health and well being. The future is now and I am so honored to offer this elemental course in energy medicine.  In here we will touch upon practices, and protocols that professionals use to help other come back to balance and heal.

Furthermore I stand on the shoulders of giants, being so fortunate to pass on this vital knowledge gained from my beloved teachers and mentors. Life’s mystery allows us to shift-shape into the spirit and form of our destiny. Indeed I am eager to learn how this book will inspire your work, your lives and your way into the future.

The Future Is Now

Without a doubt the internet has granted us the opportunity to seek resonant styles of self care and healing. Sympathetic resonance plays a huge role in our day to day that is also a window into our future. Clearly as our intuition guides us toward the solutions we need most in the moment.  

We have the power to rejuvenate mental and emotional stagnation that can then allow our bodies and beings to evolve and heal. Being energetic beings in an energetic world, it pays to have a sound understanding of tools and resources that can raise the your quality of life.

The Body’s Self Correcting Intelligence

The human organism is a miraculous marvel of creation. For example every 60 seconds, our bodies lose 300 million cells. Every day, 10 – 50 trillion cells are replaced. Everyone we know, love, and see in this world is constantly shedding the old and regenerating anew every second of the day. We are ever new in our subconscious and conscious pursuit to survive and thrive.

In this book we will keep touching on our mindset as medicine and inturn how everything matters. Our intention is our direction as we feel our way through this life. The Spirit is an unborn, unchanging, and undying force that can never be locked up. 

We will sincerely explore the healing arts principle of presence and how seeing ourselves in others is Christ like in consciousness. Presence is realizing our inherent divinity and oneness with all of creation. Dogmas fall away, the need to be right is lost when two souls commune in eachothers divine presence. 

We will explore the depth and dimensions the way the body and the nervous system plays a vital role in ones healing process. Using our body as an anchor to ground us in the somatic experience of the “felt sense”. We will subtly touch the Vagus nerve to release the sympathetic nervous systems “fight or flight”. By the time you are done with this book you will be able to deliver a gentle yet powerful hand on energy balancing session. You will understand how to keep your energies amplified, grounded and protected.

End Of Life: Conscious Care

Finally, each of us may be caregivers at some point in our lives. I believe there is no greater honor than to “show up” and spend quality time with loved ones in their time of need. Our elders in our families need us to take the high road and provide them with excellent care options. This book is a direct invitation to show up for your elders with the excellent care you will learn from this beginning course in hands on energy healing.

The healing journey is personal, empowering and creative. This is a time for new things, for the next generation of compassionate healing artists to answer the call to loving service for humanity!